Sunday, December 8, 2019

Day 3 of being alone again

Bridgit decided to move out last Tuesday but it took Wed., Thur., & Friday for her and her gang to get everything of hers out of the house and then out of the storage shed. And when I say everything, I really mean everything that she assumed was hers. All of the paper products, (TP, Napkins & Paper Towels) and there was a really big amount of them. But she left the roll on the holder in the bathroom. lol  Some of the kitchen cabinets were pretty bare but I used that as an excuse to shopping.  Now I'll also have to get a new TV. The one that was mine was the one that came over on the Pinta Maria. Isn't fixed to do cable so I haven't watched any tv since Friday when the Cable Serviceman brought me a new HDMI cable. Have no idea what it does except it is a very important item. Longing for the good old days when we just turned it on and we had channels and programs to watch. I do have some of those new little antennas that work without the cable. I just can't get it hooked up and wouldn't know which one of the 3 little hickeys in the back to hook it to! Then yesterday my friends brought me a 43 inch TV and hooked it up already. And after they left, I pushed the wrong button to open the mute, (no glasses on) and now it's in need of some tender loving care and some very simple instructions for the Octnagiarn to follow. My neighbor across the street came over and found just which buttons to push and now everything is A-OK! And now I have to move the 'recliner' so that I'm at the right angle to see the big screen. I get a kink in my neck watching it with my body in a twist. Think I'll put the rocker in the other room since it isn't safe yet. Needs a seat made for it which I'll get around to next summer.

I did have the opportunity to rekindle an old friendship. He was my buddy in the Prepping Game. And I have been at it for 3 years now. And 5 of the office boxes and a multitude of articles on the computer and on jump drives. If the Poop hits the fan and we need information, I have over 17,000 articles that cover any issue we might encounter. Of course, at 80 years old I shouldn't be worried about that anyway. If it's my time, then so be it. But my old friend is still young so he will need all that information. Lucky for him he only has a few hardbound books to worry about. The Lost Ways vol one and two and the Lost Medical info from people who didn't have a doctor close by.

Because the VAMC and my daughter are nudging me in the direction of Assisted Living and the VA has a contract with a couple of the facilities it wouldn't take much to talk me into moving. When I started labeling things for my friend and his Dad thinks that's cool. He loves making those soups and kinds of pasta. He says it feeds the whole family. They took two boxes of food, a camp stove with butane fuel and a very large Knapsak that is a Tactical Rangers first thing he grabs for a mission. Prepper buddy thinks it's cool and his Dad was the fire Chief many years so he already knows what should be in there.  When we start on the storage shed in another week or so, there are at least 2 large boxes of survival food packed into a watertight container. They are for 1 month for a family of 4. And I gave him back the garage tent that was at our house in Richland. So he can put the Tent in his Dad's back yard and put all of those goodies in it out of the Snow and Rain. Layering the inside bottom of the tent with pallets from the big stores, (usually for free), will keep everything high and dry. And it's going to be frozen also, Snowing in Walla Walla, so it's probably snowing further up the road also.

I went over to my recliner to catch my breath and the next thing I knew it was almost 1pm. Guess I'm not really sleeping very well after all. Well, I have 2 appts with the counselor that made me so mad last week and the Geriatric team of one busy nurse and one physician who specializes in Geriatric ailments counselor. I've made up my mind I'm not doing the test for Dementia yet again.She's going to have to wait until I have both feet on the ground from this latest fiasco with my granddaughter.


  1. Sorry all ended up so bad with Bridgit. But now you can focus onthe things you think are important and necessary for you.
    Oh gosh, a bit of difficulties with the new tv! Well, it is always a struggle to handle new things, but good you have that neighbor who could fix it for you.
    Perhaps it could be better for you to opt for Assistant Living. There is a certain amount of security in it, that you are looked after. If you can afford it and could find a good spot, it might be something to think about.
    I hope you will have some peace of mind now after all that hustle and have lots of fun with the new tv!

  2. Tv works great and I've packed the Christmas decos away for another year. Am moving to Grand Junction so I might be offline for a few days but that isn't going to happen until May. Can't even think of moving in this snow!
