Sunday, October 13, 2019

Frost on the front yard and Snow on the tops of the mountain range we are under

   For a couple of mornings this past week when I've taken the Chihuahuas outside at 5:30am or 6 am if I sleep in, they haven't been too happy with the cold sidewalk and frost on the front lawn. Sort of tiptoeing thru the grass but not for long. They're right back on the steps to come inside real quick. Guess it's time to get their winter coats out of the boxes so they aren't shivering just to go to the bathroom.

   Had an appointment with the Cardiologist on Friday. It was scheduled to be an Esofigeal Cardiac microgram. That's where they put the little camera down your throat and take an echo from the inside.  I'm glad he didn't think it was necessary based on the EKG. He said he couldn't find anything to warrant that special one.  He said he went into my records and found that my first cardiologist had done one of those crazy ones looking at the heart through a vein from my leg up to the heart. I wasn't awake so I'm not sure about it but this second doctor said the first one was really good. It did show some weakening on one side from working so hard to get the blood to the lungs. If this doesn't make any sense to you, don't worry, it didn't make sense to me either.

    I haven't done a whole lot on the computer this week since I have been sorting the winter Sweatshirts and then after washing them putting the extra-large ones in bags to go to the goodwill. So far Mike has made 3 trips with very full bags of sweatshirts that I have "shrunk out of".  I even sent some trousers over to them. I tried them on and they fell down. I lost another 11 pounds this past few months. That's 13 stones. I like that number better than 188 lbs. But my problem is now the closet is full. Sweatshirts are thicker than tee shirts and take up a lot more room. I had to buy a few 3/4 sleeves and pretty designs to full-length sleeves fancy tops. My idea of sweatshirts is usually some smart alec picture or saying on the front. Not something I'm comfortable wearing to church. And there are the Christmas sweatshirts that can't fit in the closet so they are on a hook over the closet door.  After the Christmas season is over with I'll pack them away.
I've made a couple of scrapbook pages. but I have to check and see which ones I haven't published.

 Serenity loves the snuggle bed and Phoebe gets into it now and again.
 My Shirley family back in Jamestown, NY.
 This is just one small family gathering with the cousin Marsha in the center and all her family.
 Magdelyn is growing up fast.
 Patty, Keaneu & Tim.
 Brian, Dylan & Ion at a doing in down town Walla Walla.
 This is Miss Ellie on her birthday 6 yrs old.
 My Great Nephew Isaac Resendez. 2 years old.
 He's such a handsome boy, I just had to do him two pictures.

I was too lazy to fix the mother and son's pictures together.
   That's all for today. God Bless you all and stay safe this winter.