Thursday, September 6, 2018

Settled into the New Home

     At least I'm as settled as I can be.  I still haven't put up curtains because at 78 climbing on the furniture to reach up higher isn't really a good choice. I also haven't hung the big sea scape over the fire place yet either. Oh well, I don't get any visitors except the lady from Occupational therapy for a "Home Safety Inspection".  I have all hardwood floors except the kitchen and bathroom are tile and the closet is a small piece of carpet.

     Today I'm taking little Phoebe to the Animal Clinic for a check up and shots. She's not going to be a happy camper after that. This is a first visit so she's going to get a looking over. Then we'll do a little shopping and if I can find a nail salon who will let Phoebe stay with me, I'll get my nails fixed. They look like they went through a war. And I'm still looking for a Notary to notarize my General Power of Attorney. I sent it down to the kids in Calif. and they signed it and sent it back so I can sign it in front of the Notary and then mail a copy of the whole thing back to them and file a copy with the VA. Guess I'll keep the original with me.

     Here's some pictures of my new house:
Phoebe in the front yard making sure the neighborhood is safe.

My kitchen nook at the far end of the living room. Geese o'plenty.

The corner with large windows and a place for the big bamboo plant. It has about 18 inches to  go.
My fireplace with the Sea scape just leaning against the wall. I'm afraid to be climbing furniture to  hang it.

My organized kitchen. All of those canisters have geese on them.

A close up of my pretty canisters that have been in storage for 10 years.

Phoebe in her bed in front of the fireplace.

Phoebe in the middle of my hospital bed.

More geese canisters. Large one is a cookie jar.

Close up of the top of the fireplace. 2 more bamboo plants, 2 angels that I just finished. Green one is for my sister Dianna.

My new book shelves that I purchased last time I was up to Richland and big lots.

  And that about does it for this week. The bottom shelf is my craft/sewing baskets. I just take what I need to the corner nook and do my crafting from there. My office is on the other side of this living room.
Hugs from Washington to everyone.