I started out with the pkgs by the row they belonged to but got wet so a marker putting the letter of the seeds up the row is what I have now. The bottle at the end of the brown cartons was one of the creamer bottles that I manage to go through and clean up. Filled the bottle with tepid water and got some of the tiny, tiny rubber bands my Olivia uses to make bracelets with. Covered the top with a snack ziploc bag and tightened it with the rubber bands and then took a hat pin and poked it in a circle in the middle. Now I turn it upside down and squeeze and have a lovely little rain shower to water the plants with. It does manage to leak into the excess snack bag but then I pour that onto the tomato plants. Works for me.
This is how they look after 1 week. The Herculean plants in the second carton are Water melons and white and orange pumpkins.
Behind them come the bush beans, some snap peas, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, giant radish, lettuce, winter squash and the two kinds of pumpkins with water melons. Containers on the end are mixed flowers and Alyssim (spelling) for the front planter boxes on the fence and the big giant containers in the front.
Pictured below are the Herbs, Sweet Basil, Oregano, & some Sage. Three tomato plant, with the one in the middle being cherry tomatoes and the other two are large beef steak tomatoes.